CCD Research Updates

Care for CCD Project updates and related study information will be posted here as it becomes available. 


Study Recruitment

We want to learn more about how your quality of life and health are impacted by multiple health concerns (e.g., mental health and physical health issues).

If eligible, you will be asked to complete an initial interview and questionnaires about your health with follow-up questionnaires every 6 months for 3 years. It will take 90 mins at the first session and 45-60mins for follow-up questionnaires.

You will receive a $40gift card for the initial interview, $20 gift cards for the first 2 follow-up interviews and $30 gift cards for all remaining follow-up interviews.

Please see our study brochures for more details. 

Contact the study team if you are interested in participating. 

Patient CCD Brochure.pdf

Participant Brochure

Participants must be 19-65 years old and have both a mental illness and substance use disorder, including recent hospitalization (past 6months).

Provider CCD Brochure.pdf

Provider Brochure

What happens if my patients wants to be in the study? Contact the research team or provide interested participants with a brochure.